April 2017 Pulmonary Case of the Month

Lewis J. Wesselius, MD

Pulmonary Department

Mayo Clinic Arizona

Scottsdale, AZ USA


History of Present Illness

A 63-year-old woman with a prior diagnosis of possible rheumatoid arthritis was referred for dyspnea with more vigorous activities in Prescott where she now lives (elevation 5367 ft.). She is receiving hydroxychloroquine 400 mg/day.

Past Medical History, Social History and Family History

She has a past medical history of hypertension. She smoked about a pack per day from age 20 to 40. There is a history of colon cancer in her mother and  lung cancer in a sister.

Physical Examination

  • Vitals: BP 155/102, SpO2 93% on room air
  • Chest: slightly decreased breath sounds but clear
  • Cardiovascular:  regular rhythm without murmur
  • Extremities:  no cyanosis, clubbing or edema
  • The remainder of the physical examination is normal

What testing would you perform at this time? (Click on the correct answer to proceed to the second of five pages)

  1. Chest X-ray
  2. Pulmonary function testing
  3. Rheumatoid factor
  4. 1 and 3
  5. All of the above

Cite as: Wesselius LJ. April 2017 pulmonary case of the month. Southwest J Pulm Crit Care. 2017;14(4):129-33. doi: https://doi.org/10.13175/swjpcc040-17 PDF


May 2017 Pulmonary Case of the Month


March 2017 Pulmonary Case of the Month