Medical Image of the Week: Pott’s Disease

Figure 1. Axial CT scan showing a heterogeneous dense mass-like consolidation in the medial aspect of the right lung apex (arrow).


Figure 2. MRI C-spine (axial T2-weighted images). Panel A: soft tissue marrow edema surrounding the posterior process of the C7 vertebral body and it’s contiguous with a heterogeneous infiltrative process of the right medial lung apex (arrow).  Panel B: C7 vertebral body compression (arrow).


Figure 3. Right upper lung biopsy showing necrotizing granulomas (arrow) and histiocytes aggregates.


A 22 year-old man with a history of asthma presented with a two-month history of progressive right upper extremity weakness with back pain, weight loss, and night sweats. CT scan of the chest revealed mass-like infiltrative mass in the right lung apex with mediastinal and hilar lymphadenopathy (Figure 1). An MRI cervical spine showed a large infiltrating process at the right medial lung apex with vertebral body compression (Figure 2).

A CT-guided lung biopsy was performed and it showed necrotizing granulomatous inflammation (Figure 3). Pott’s disease was diagnosed and the patient started on anti-tuberculous treatment with a good recovery.

Pott’s disease is a common cause of spinal infection and its clinical presentations are nonspecific. Early findings on imaging may reveal loss of vertebral body height, bone sequestration, sclerosis, and paraspinal mass with calcification (1).  A diagnosis of this condition must be made early as prompt treatment may reduce significant morbidity such as spine deformities to neurologic deficits.

Choua Thao MD1, David G. Kuykendall MD2, Matthew P. Schreiber MD, MHS4, and Carmen Luraschi MD3

University of Nevada School of Medicine: Las Vegas

1Department of Internal Medicine

2Department of Family Medicine

3Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care

Las Vegas, NV

4MedStar Georgetown University Hospital/Washington Hospital Center, Washington, DC


  1. Rivas-Garcia A, Sarria-Estrada S, Torrents-Odin C, Casas-Gomila L, Franquet E. Imaging findings of Pott's disease. Eur Spine J. 2013;22:567-78. [CrossRef] [PubMed]

Reference as: Thao C, Kuykendall DG, Schreiber MP, Luraschi C. Medical image of the week: Pott's disease. Southwest J Pulm Crit Care. 2015;11(1):36-7. doi: PDF 


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