
Those who care for patients with pulmonary, critical care or sleep disorders rely heavily on chest radiology and pathology to determine diagnoses. The Southwest Journal of Pulmonary, Critical Care & Sleep publishes case-based articles with characteristic chest imaging and related pathology.

The editor of this section will oversee and coordinate the publication of a core of the most important chest imaging topics. In doing so, they encourage the submission of unsolicited manuscripts. It cannot be overemphasized that both radiologic and pathologic images must be of excellent quality. As a rule, 600 DPI is sufficient for radiographic and pathologic images. Taking pictures of plain chest radiographs and CT scans with a digital camera is strongly discouraged. The figures should be cited in the text and numbered consecutively. The stain used for pathology specimens and magnification should be mentioned in the figure legend. Those who care for patients with pulmonary, critical care or sleep disorders rely heavily on chest radiology and pathology to determine diagnoses. The Southwest Journal of Pulmonary, Critical Care & Sleep publishes case-based articles with characteristic chest imaging and related pathology. The editor of this section will oversee and coordinate the publication of a core of the most important chest imaging topics. In doing so, they encourage the submission of unsolicited manuscripts. It cannot be overemphasized that both radiologic and pathologic images must be of excellent quality. As a rule, 600 DPI is sufficient for radiographic and pathologic images. Taking pictures of plain chest radiographs and CT scans with a digital camera is strongly discouraged. The figures should be cited in the text and numbered consecutively. The stain used for pathology specimens and magnification should be mentioned in the figure legend.

Rick Robbins, M.D. Rick Robbins, M.D.

August 2017 Imaging Case of the Month

Brandon T. Larsen, MD, PhD1

Michael B. Gotway, MD2

Departments of Pathology1 and Radiology2

Mayo Clinic Arizona

Scottsdale, Arizona USA


Clinical History: A 67-year-old man with a 23 pack-year history of smoking, stopping 6 years earlier, presented with a year-long history of intermittent hemoptysis consisting of small specs of blood particularly in the morning after he awoke. No sputum discoloration was reported and the patient denied shortness of breath, fever, shortness of breath, and chills. The patient also denied rash, joint pain, and night sweats. His past surgical history was remarkable only for an appendectomy, tonsillectomy, and repair of an ankle fracture, all as a young man. The patient did report some asbestos exposure in the past. He takes a multivitamin and occasional over-the counter pain relievers, but was not taking prescription medications.

Physical examination: unremarkable and the patient’s oxygen saturation was 98% on room air.

Laboratory evaluation: largely unremarkable.  Quantiferon testing for Mycobacterium tuberculosis was negative. An outside otolaryngology examination was reported to show no abnormalities. Frontal chest radiography (Figure 1) was performed.

Figure 1.  Frontal chest radiography.

Which of the following statements regarding the chest radiograph is most accurate? (Click on the correct answer to proceed to the second of nine pages)

  1. The chest radiograph shows a mediastinal mass
  2. The chest radiograph shows multifocal consolidation and pleural effusion
  3. The chest radiograph shows multifocal smooth interlobular septal thickening
  4. The chest radiograph shows a possible focal air space opacity
  5. The chest radiograph shows small cavitary pulmonary nodules

Cite as: Larsen BT, Gotway MB. August 2017 imaging case of the month. Southwest J Pulm Crit Care. 2017;15(2):69-79. doi: PDF

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Rick Robbins, M.D. Rick Robbins, M.D.

Medical Image of the Week: Phytobezoar

Figure 1. Supine portable abdominal radiograph. Note the massively distended stomach, outlined by the arrows, with an internal mottled appearance. There is inferior displacement of the transverse colon (arrowhead) contouring to the greater curvature of the stomach.

A 10-year-old boy with a history of non-verbal autism presented to the hospital with symptoms of chronic malnourishment. He was recently started on a specific carbohydrate rich diet, as outlined by a popular mainstream nutrition book, with hopes of improvement in adverse behavior. Prior to the start of this new diet, he consistently demonstrated an increased craving for food and was described to have an insatiable appetite. Though he was relatively non-verbal at baseline, he intermittently voiced his hunger and associated abdominal pain.

A supine abdominal radiograph obtained immediately after admission showed a moderate gastric distension with a significant stool burden. Follow-up radiographs of the abdomen were obtained after two days of medical attempts to clear out the gastrointestinal system. The supine frontal radiograph at this time showed a massively distended stomach with a mottled appearance and considerable mass effect on the transverse colon (Figure 1). The interpreting pediatric radiologist immediately raised a diagnosis of gastric bezoar, which was later confirmed intra-operatively. Initially, an endoscopic approach was tried in an attempt to evacuate the stomach. However, considering the tremendous compaction of the phytobezoar, laparotomy was performed. After confirmation of normal gastric anatomy, several liters of vegetable material were removed from the stomach, and the gastrotomy was closed.

Gastric bezoar is defined as a gastric foreign body resulting from accumulation of ingested material, often found as a hard mass or concretions within the stomach (1). Bezoars are classified according to the contents; phytobezoars contain vegetable materials, whereas trichobezoars contains hair (2). Bezoars usually form in the stomach and can pass into the small bowel where they occasionally cause obstruction. Characteristic radiographic findings can point to the diagnosis of bezoar on plain film radiographs while barium studies are often confirmatory. Many interventions have been described for the treatment of phytobezoars from carbonated nasogastric lavages to endoscopic retrieval (3).  However, in severe cases, a surgical approach is necessary in order to prevent further complications.

Amrit Hansra, MD and Unni Udayasankar, MD

Department of Medical Imaging

University of Arizona

Tucson, AZ USA


  1. Kadian RS, Rose JF, Mann NS. Gastric bezoars--spontaneous resolution. Am J Gastroenterol. 1978;70:79-82. [PubMed]
  2. Lee J. Bezoars and foreign bodies of the stomach. Gastrointest Endosc Clin N Am. 1996;6:605-19. [PubMed]
  3. Song KY, Choi BJ, Kim SN, Park CH. Laparoscopic removal of gastric bezoar. Surg Laparosc Endosc Percutan Tech. 2007;17:42-4. [CrossRef] [PubMed]

Cite as: Hansra A, Udayasankar U. Medical image of the week: phytobezoar. Southwest J Pulm Crit Care. 2016;12(1):20-1. doi: PDF

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