
The Southwest Journal of Pulmonary and Critical Care welcomes submission of editorials on journal content or issues relevant to the pulmonary, critical care or sleep medicine. Authors are urged to contact the editor before submission.

Rick Robbins, M.D. Rick Robbins, M.D.

How Much Should Healthcare CEO’s, Physicians and Nurses Be Paid?

In 2019 the Southwest Journal published an editorial that stated one cause for the rising costs in healthcare was chief executive officer (CEO) compensation (1). Based on 2017 salaries, Peter Fine from Banner Health was the highest paid healthcare CEO in the country with compensation of $25.5 million. In comparison, the CEO of Mayo Clinic Arizona was paid a paltry $1.8 million (2). We decided to do a follow-up, and found that after a dip during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic, Mayo raises resumed in 2021. Mayo’s CEO, Dr. Gianrico Farrugia, was paid $3.48 million in 2021 up from $2.74 million in 2020 (3). Dr. Richard Gray, CEO of the Mayo Arizona campus, was paid $1.78 million in 2021, up 26% from the previous year. I shared these numbers with a couple of the Mayo Clinic faculty who were surprised by the amount of compensation their executives were receiving.

Mayo Clinic posted $1.2 billion in net operating income in 2021 (3). More recently, the system reported net operating income of $157 million for the third quarter of 2022 with an operating margin of 3.8 percent. Compensation for Mayo Clinic executives is set by the Mayo Clinic Salary & Benefits Committee and endorsed by the Mayo Clinic Board of Trustees Compensation Committee. Mayo claims not to be a profit-sharing institution and that pay is not linked to doing anything more or less for the patient than what is needed. It is unclear how CEO compensation in the millions fits with this patient care philosophy.

I did a preliminary survey of physicians in the Phoenix area of how much healthcare CEOs should be paid. Not surprisingly, most of these physicians thought that CEOs should be physicians like they are at the Mayo Clinic. Opinions on CEO compensation were all over the board. However, the best answer, in my opinion, came from a retired ID physician. He thought CEOs should be well compensated but should be paid less than senior physicians. His reasoning was that patients come to the Mayo Clinic or other healthcare organizations not because of the CEO, but because of Mayo’s physicians. Lawyers have this figured this out. One of my closest friends is an administrative partner for a large (over 100 lawyers) law firm in Phoenix. He said he is well compensated but paid less than his senior partners. The reasoning was much the same. Clients come not because of his administrative skills, but because of the lawyers. However, he was quick to point out that managing partners do deserve some compensation for their lost income in not practicing law. The compensation committee in these cases is the senior partners.

Some would argue that certain physicians are over-paid. I would agree. Current fee-for-service payment rates for physician visits trace back to the origins of Blue Cross Blue Shield (BC/BS) insurance in the 1930s. At that time, BC/BS rates were set to pay generously for hospitalizations and operations. Payments for so-called “cognitive services” were lower. In the 1960’s Medicare adopted the BC/BS payment model. This disparity has been perpetuated through “Relative Value Units”. Despite recognition by the Medicare Payment Advisory Commission (MedPAC) of the adverse effects of inadequate payment to some physicians, especially primary care, only limited progress has been made toward correction of the disparity (4). This may be due, at least in part, to treatment of total payment for physicians as a zero-sum game in which decision making is dominated by non–primary care physicians through mechanisms such as the Relative Value Scale Update Committee (RUC) (5). This translates to hospitals, procedure-oriented specialties, and especially some surgical subspecialties compensated in excess compared to more cognitive specialties.

When BC/BS was founded in 1929, one goal of the American healthcare Association (AHA) and the American College of Surgeons was to eliminate the “Doctor’s Hospitals”. These physician-run hospitals were sometimes substandard. However, little progress in eliminating them was made until establishment of Medicare and Medicaid in 1965. Many of the “Doctor’s Hospitals” did not meet criteria for Medicare certification. Lack of Medicare and Medicaid payments essentially closed their doors. However, the doctor run hospitals are now making a comeback through surgical centers. Although the AHA has questioned their quality, most have matched or exceeded the quality metrics used by the Joint Commission or other groups and often score better than hospitals in head-to-head comparisons (6). Doctors who run such centers deserve some payment for their administrative efforts.

Nurse practitioners (NPs) and physician assistants (PAs) serve a vital role in patient care. They deserve to be well paid. However, their education and responsibility are generally less than physicians. For example, 1000 clinical hours are required for nurse practitioner certification which represented about 10 weeks of my internship or about 13 weeks under the current 80-hour work week limit. Similarly, PAs are required to only complete 1600 hours of clinical training. In contrast, physicians complete family practice, internal medicine, or pediatric residencies which require a minimum of 3 years, with most subspecialities requiring an additional 3+ years. Surgical residencies are usually 5 years. Furthermore, there appears to me more risk assumed by a physician. In 2019 there were only 420 malpractice suits filed against nurse practitioners and PAs compared to over 20,000 total medical malpractice suits (7).

Nurses are the backbone of any healthcare organization. Although they usually have less education than physicians, NPs, or PAs, nursing is intense and stressful with nurses assuming a large responsibility and delivering the most beside care. Because patients are close at hand, nurses often make independent care decisions. In Arizona, nurse compensation averaged about $78,330 in 2019 (8). Not surprisingly it is considerably higher in California where the cost of living is higher compensation and averages $113,240. Recently, more nurses are working as traveling nurses, or filling a staffing shortage at a hospital or healthcare facility on a temporary basis. Prior to COVID-19 many nurses were dissatisfied with healthcare working conditions (8). This suggests that nurses may be seeking other employment options that provide them with more control over where and when they work (9). Travel nursing provides these options at a higher pay.

The causes of the overcompensation of CEOs at the expense of historically undercompensating some nurses and physicians have been salary and benefits committees set up under a corporate structure. Under the present system of healthcare governance an executive board appointed or heavily influenced by a CEO appoints a board which appoints a salary and benefits committee. The later committee in turn sets salary and benefits for the organization including the executives. A compensation committee consisting of physician and nursing leaders could more realistically evaluate an individual’s value to a healthcare organization. However, it seems likely that such a change will require mandates from healthcare certifying organizations. Healthcare executives are unlikely to readily relinquish the present system which has rewarded them so generously. Therefore, physicians need to lobby various organizations such as the Joint Commission, the Relative Value Scale Update Committee (RUC), ACGME, etc. for a compensation system which examines administrative efficiency and addresses areas of administrative complexity that add costs to the health care system without improving accessibility or value. This is in contrast to the present system of rewarding those who serve a for-profit corporate structure rather than improving healthcare in a not-for-profit system.

Richard A. Robbins MD



  1. Robbins RA. CEO compensation-one reason healthcare costs so much. Southwest J Pulm Crit Care. 2019;19(2):76-8. [CrossRef]
  2. Innes S. This Arizona nonprofit health system CEO topped the salary list at $25.5 million in 2017. Arizona Republic, October 23, 2019. Available at: https://pnhp.org/news/this-arizona-nonprofit-health-system-ceo-topped-the-salary-list-at-25-5-million-in-2017/ (accessed 1/16/23).
  3. Gamble M. Mayo Clinic defends executive raises. Becker’s healthcare Review. Dec. 8, 2022. Available at: https://www.beckers healthcarereview.com/compensation-issues/mayo-clinic-defends-executive-raises.html ((1/17/23).
  4. MedPac. March 2022 Report to the Congress: Medicare Payment Policy. March 2022. Available at: https://www.medpac.gov/document/march-2022-report-to-the-congress-medicare-payment-policy/ (accessed 2/4/23).
  5. Magill MK. Time to Do the Right Thing: End Fee-for-Service for Primary Care. Ann Fam Med. 2016 Sep;14(5):400-1. [CrossRef] [PubMed]
  6. Pham N, Donovan M. The Economic and Social Benefits of Physician-Led Hospitals. ADP Analytics. September 2022. Available at: https://ndpanalytics.com/wp-content/uploads/PHA-Economic-Impact-Report-092022-Final-R1.pdf (accessed 2/3/23).
  7. Chesney S. Do Nurse Practitioners Really Get Sued? Berxi. Aug 16, 2021. Available at: https://www.berxi.com/resources/articles/do-nurse-practitioners-get-sued/ (accessed 2/3/23).
  8. 2U Inc. Nurse Salary. Available at: https://nursinglicensemap.com/resources/nurse-salary/ (accessed 2/3/23).
  9. Yang YT, Mason DJ. COVID-19’s Impact On Nursing Shortages, The Rise Of Travel Nurses, And Price Gouging. Health Affairs Forefront. January 28, 2022. Available at: https://www.berxi.com/resources/articles/do-nurse-practitioners-get-sued/https://www.healthaffairs.org/do/10.1377/forefront.20220125.695159/ (accessed 2/3/23).

Cite as: Robbins RA. How Much Should Healthcare CEO’s, Physicians and Nurses Be Paid? Southwest J Pulm Crit Care Sleep. 2023;26(2):24-27. doi: https://doi.org/10.13175/swjpccs007-23 PDF

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Rick Robbins, M.D. Rick Robbins, M.D.

Executive Pay and the High Cost of Healthcare

Two recent articles examined hospital executive pay. One was “Bitter Pill: Why Medical Bills Are Killing Us” from Time magazine (1). We reviewed this article in our “March 2013 Critical Care Journal Club” (2). The other is a more recent article from Kaiser Health News (3). The later is particularly intriguing since it discusses healthcare executive compensation. We thought it might be of interest to examine executive compensation from selected nonprofit hospital tax returns from Arizona, New Mexico and Arizona. (Table 1). [Editor's note: It may be necessary to enlarge the view on your browswer to adquately visualize the tables.]

Table 1. Financial information from Southwest hospitals latest year tax return as listed by GuideStar (4).

*Includes Scottsdale Healthcare Corporation

These Southwest hospitals appear to be doing quite well. Overall they had combined incomes of $19,831,088,546, assets of $ 10,228,640,923 and profits of $1,145,888,944. None lost money. Although the data from organizations such as Dignity, Banner, Scottsdale Healthcare, Exempla, and Presbyterian Healthcare include several hospitals, they are doing well, especially for “nonprofit” hospitals.

The CEOs were also doing well (Table 2).

Table 2. CEO and executive compensation from Southwest hospitals latest year tax return as listed by GuideStar (4).

*Includes employees listed on Form 990.

**Includes Scottsdale Healthcare Corporation

The CEOs were paid an average of $1,718,484 and the average executive made $591,618. Not bad for being paid by a “nonprofit” organization. The CEO pay is nearly 8 times and the executive pay is nearly 3 times the slightly over $200,000 average Southwest pulmonary and critical care physician received in 2011 (5).

The Kaiser Healthcare News article went on to point out that boards at nonprofit hospitals are often paying hospital administrators much more for boosting volume than delivering healthcare value (3). Hospital administrators agreed but were quick to point out that compensation is increasingly being determined by healthcare performance incentives. However, James Guthrie, a hospital compensation consultant for Integrated Healthcare Strategies stated about administrative compensation, "What you're seeing is incentive plans that look pretty similar to what they looked like five years ago or ten years ago…they're changing, but they're changing fairly slowly."

Two of the local executives mentioned in the Kaiser Healthcare News article were Lloyd Dean and Peter Fine, heads of Dignity Health and Banner Health respectively. Incentive goals for Dean included unspecified "annual and long-term financial performance” (4). Dean's bonus for 2011 was $2.1 million. Fine speaks of "an unwavering commitment to improve clinical quality and efficiency" but Fine's long-term incentive goals included profits and revenue growth (4).

"Boards of trustees in health care are oriented around top-line, revenue goals," said Dr. Donald Berwick, who was CEO of the Institute of Healthcare Improvement (IHI) and later the Administrator for the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) (Figure 1).

Figure 1. Dr. Donald Berwick

"They celebrate the CEO when the hospital is full instead of rewarding business models that improve patients' care." Such deals undermine measures in the 2010 health law that aim to cut unnecessary treatment and control costs, say economists and policy authorities (3).

An explosion of medical regulatory groups have arisen to improve quality, including Berwick’s IHI. These regulatory groups have often produced guidelines embraced by hospital administrators as improving healthcare. However, the administrators are often self-servingly paid bonuses for guideline compliance. Because nearly all the regulatory organizations are “nonprofit” like the hospitals, surely they would have more modest profits (Table 3).

Table 3. Financial information of healthcare regulatory organizations from latest year tax return as listed by GuideStar (4).

We are happy to report that the regulatory organizations had much more humble finances compared to the Southwest hospitals. Overall the four we examined totaled incomes of $589,724,293, assets of $563,032,211 and profits of $30,489,739. Only the American Board of Internal Medicine lost money with a loss of $-1,733,146 on income of nearly $50 million. For comparison, we added the Phoenix Pulmonary and Critical Care Research and Education Foundation to Table 3. It is the financial source behind the Southwest Journal of Pulmonary and Critical Care.

Executive pay was also more modest than Southwest hospital administrators (Table 4).

Table 4. CEO and executive compensation from healthcare regulatory organizations latest year tax return as listed by GuideStar (4).

*Includes employees listed on Form 990.

The CEOs were paid an average of $885,938 and the average executive made $382,009. Although much lower than the average $1,718,484 and the $591,618 paid to Southwest hospital CEO and executives, these salaries are still not bad for a “nonprofit” organization.

The only regulatory organization to lose money was the American Board of Internal Medicine. Either an increase or revenue or a decrease in expenses will eventually be necessary. The major source of income for the American Board is test revenue and increasing the fee for certification or the frequency and/or fees for maintenance of certification may be necessary. Alternatively, they could pay their CEO less than $786,751, eliminate the CEO’s spousal travel benefits, or lower the compensation for general internists such as Eric Holmboe from $417,945 to be more in line with the $161,000 average income of general internists in the mid-Atlantic region (4,5).

Donald Berwick has a good point and is correct. Hospital administrators need to be rewarded more for improving healthcare and less for keeping the hospital full and profits high. However, in 2009 while CEO at IHI Berwick was compensated $920,952 (4). This is almost 7 times the compensation of the average pediatrician in New England (5). Included were $88,200 in bonuses. It is unclear from the tax return what justified these bonuses (4).

Executive pay for both hospital and regulatory administrators is too high and contributes to the high cost of healthcare. We find no evidence that either type of administrator contributes much to improved patient-centered outcomes. Quality care continues to rely on an adequate number of good doctors, nurses and other healthcare providers. If anyone should be paid bonuses for healthcare, it is those providing care, not administrators.

Present bonus systems for healthcare administrators are perverse. As noted above these include bonuses for keeping the hospital full and profits high, neither consistent with what should be the goals of a nonprofit organization. Furthermore, increasing pay for supervising an increased number of administrative personnel will only add to the increasing costs. If administrators must be paid a bonus let them be paid for performance directly under their control. This could include ensuring that adequate numbers of good doctors and nurses are caring for the patients and improving administrative efficiency. These should result in better care but lower numbers of administrators consuming fewer healthcare dollars.

Last Friday, June 14, the Medicare Payment Advisory Commission, or MedPAC released their recommendations to Congress (8). These include recommendations that may be relative to hospital administrative pay. One is for “site-neutral payment”. Currently Medicare pays hospitals more than private physician offices for many services. MedPAC recommended that Congress “move immediately to cut payments to hospitals for many services that can be provided at much lower cost in doctors’ offices.” The commission said that “current payment disparities had created incentives for hospitals to buy physician practices, driving up costs...” This will increase the hospital’s bottom line, and therefore, the administrators’ bonuses. We agree with MedPAC’s recommendation.

MedPAC also told Congress that “the financial penalties that Medicare imposes on hospitals with high rates of patient readmissions are too harsh for hospitals serving the poor and should be changed.” Based on this and data that higher mortality is associated with lower readmission rates, we agree (9). Rewarding hospitals for potentially harmful patient practices that increase the hospital’s bottom line are not appropriate. Financial incentives for reducing readmissions should only be part of a more global assessment of patient outcomes including mortality, length of stay and morbidity. Regulatory administrators need to become more focused on patients and less on an endless array of surrogate markers that have little to do with quality of care.

Richard A. Robbins, M.D.*

Clement U. Singarajah, M.D.*


  1. Brill S. Bitter Pill: Why Medical Bills Are Killing Us. Time. February 20, 2013. PDF available at: http://livingwithmcl.com/BitterPill.pdf (accessed 6/17/13).
  2. Stander P. March 2013 critical care journal club. Southwest J Pulm Crit Care. 2013;6(4):168-9. Available at: /critical-care-journal-club/2013/4/2/march-2013-critical-care-journal-club.html (accessed 6-17-13).
  3. Hancock J. Hospital CEO Bonuses Reward Volume And Growth. Kaiser Health News. June 16, 2013. Available at: http://www.kaiserhealthnews.org/Stories/2013/June/06/hospital-ceo-compensation-mainbar.aspx (accessed 6-17-13).
  4. http://www.guidestar.org/ (accessed 6-17-13).
  5. http://www.medscape.com/sites/public/physician-comp/2012 (accessed 6-17-13).
  6. Robbins RA, Thomas AR, Raschke RA. Guidelines, recommendations and improvement in healthcare. Southwest J Pulm Crit Care 2011;2:34-37. Available at: /editorial/2011/2/25/guidelines-recommendations-and-improvement-in-healthcare.html
  7. Robbins RA. Why is it so difficult to get rid of bad guidelines? Southwest J Pulm Crit Care 2011;3:141-3. Available at: /editorial/2011/11/1/why-is-it-so-difficult-to-get-rid-of-bad-guidelines.html
  8. http://www.medpac.gov/documents/Jun13_EntireReport.pdf (accessed 6-17-13).
  9. Robbins RA, Gerkin RD. Comparisons between Medicare mortality, morbidity, readmission and complications. Southwest J Pulm Crit Care. 2013;6(6):278-86. Available at: /general-medicine/2013/6/13/comparisons-between-medicare-mortality-readmission-and-compl.html

*The opinions expressed are those of the authors and not necessarily the Southwest Journal of Pulmonary and Critical Care or the Arizona, New Mexico or Colorado Thoracic Societies.

Reference as: Robbins RA, Singarajah CU. Executive pay and the high cost of healthcare. Southwest J Pulm Crit Care. 2013;6(6):299-304. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.13175/swjpcc080-13 PDF

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