
The Southwest Journal of Pulmonary and Critical Care welcomes submission of editorials on journal content or issues relevant to the pulmonary, critical care or sleep medicine. Authors are urged to contact the editor before submission.

Rick Robbins, M.D. Rick Robbins, M.D.

A Call for Change in Healthcare Governance

Over the past 30-40 years many healthcare organizations have gradually shifted from a charitable, not-for-profit organization to a not-for-profit in name only business. Accompanying this shift, has been a shift in hospital governance away from a benevolent organization directed by charitable organizations such as religious organizations to businessman focused on revenue and profits. Of course, this does not mean that not-for-profit organizations are for loss. Small or modest profits are necessary to continue to operate.

Accompanying this change in organizational goals from a charitable to a more business focus, has been changes in the hospital board of directors or trustees (1). The mission of a publicly traded corporation is to return economic value to their shareholders and is the primary fiduciary focus of that board. On the other hand, the mission of a not-for-profit, 501c, charitable healthcare system is to provide health services improving the well-being of the community.

The board of directors or trustees of a not-for-profit organization theoretically must be primarily focused on the fulfillment of the charitable mission, not on generating profit for its own sake. Not-for-profit boards tend to be larger. In the 1980s the average size of a not-for-profit hospital board was well over 25, but is declining. By 2023 the average size was around 13 (1). At least 51% of the members of a not-for-profit charitable board must meet the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) definition of independence. This means that these board members must be independent of direct economic relationships with the organization and not have direct family members who work for the organization. This is one way that the IRS tries to ensure that the board is loyal to the charitable mission of the organization.

In the 1980’s new board members were often elected by the board and usually received no or minimal compensation (2). However, today board members are often “nominated” by the administration of the hospital and often receive compensation which can be substantial (2). For example, the 14 board members of Banner Health receive in excess of $95,000/year (3). In addition, hospital CEOs were usually ex officio non-voting board members. Again, using Banner Health as an example, the CEO is a full board member (4). Board composition has also changed. In the past there was often ample physicians and nurses providing medical guidance to the board. Today their numbers have dwindled. Banner has  only 2 physicians on its 14-member board (an internist/emergency room and a family physician). Nursing is not represented.

The role of the chief of staff (COS) has also changed. In the past COSs were usually members of the medical faculty who served one or two years on a part-time basis. They were compensated but that was largely to offset their loss of income as a physician. Now COSs are often full-time serving at the pleasure of the hospital CEO and/or board. They are no longer the doctors’ representative to the hospital administration but rather the hospital administration’s representative to the doctors (5). The concept that the COS can work in a “kumbaya” relationship with hospital administrators is a naive remanent from a bygone era. Although a good working relationship may exist in some healthcare organizations, increasingly the relationship is adversarial.

Physician practice has also changed. In the past physicians were often self-employed independents who practiced within the confines of the hospital or clinic. Now 77% of physicians are employed, a dramatic increase from 26% only 10 years ago (6). The reason most often cited has been declining reimbursement (7). Although cost containment is often cited as a reason for the decline, Medicare physician pay has plummeted by 26% when adjusted for inflation over the past 20 years while hospital reimbursement has surged by 70% (7). The decline in reimbursement has prompted many doctors to abandon independent practice for hospital or corporate employment (7). Some have equated increasing physician employment for decreasing access and quality of care (7).

It seems unlikely that without a change in governance any meaningful change in the businessmen’s stranglehold of medicine with its poor care, high prices and administrative overcompensation will be forthcoming. One simple improvement is election of the COS by an independent medical staff rather than appointment by a hospital director or board.

A second, also simple change is that independent doctors, nurses and technicians need to have their representation increased on the board of directors of the hospital or healthcare organization. They should be elected by the hospital staff and not appointed by the CEO. Rather than just requiring 51% of board members be independent, at least 51% of boards should have doctors, nurses or technicians who practice at the hospital or healthcare organization but are independent. This ensures adequate medical expertise including local knowledge about the operation of the organization.

Changes described above to the COS and board of directors should be required by the Joint Commission, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid, the state department of health and possibly the IRS. These changes could go a long way to resolving the intrusion in medicine by businessmen interested more in their own gain and not the charitable healthcare mission of a 501c hospital or healthcare organization.


  1. Wagner SE. A Taxonomy of Health Care Boards. Trustee Insights. American Hospital Association. September, 2023. Available at: https://trustees.aha.org/system/files/media/file/2023/09/TI_0923_orlikoff_interview_3.pdf (accessed 6/14/2024).
  2. Blodgett MS, Melconian LJ,  Peterson JH. Evolving Corporate Governance Standards for Healthcare Nonprofits: Is Board of Director Compensation a Breach of Fiduciary Duty. Brooklyn Journal of Corporate Financial & Commercial Law. 2013;7(2): 444-474. Available at: https://brooklynworks.brooklaw.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1046&context=bjcfcl (accessed 6/14/2024).
  3. ProPublica. Nonprofit Explorer. December 2022 Tax Filing. Available at: https://projects.propublica.org/nonprofits/organizations/450233470 (accessed 6/14/24).
  4. Board of Directors. Banner Health. Available at: https://www.bannerhealth.com/about/leadership/board-of-directors (accessed 6/14/24).
  5. Robbins RA. The Potential Dangers of Quality Assurance, Physician Credentialing and Solutions for Their Improvement. Southwest J Pulm Crit Care Sleep. 2022;25(4):52-58. [CrossRef]
  6. Physicians Advocacy Institute. Updated Report: Hospital and Corporate Acquisition of Physician Practices and Physician Employment 2019-2023. April 2024. Available at: https://www.physiciansadvocacyinstitute.org/Portals/0/assets/docs/PAI-Research/PAI-Avalere%20Physician%20Employment%20Trends%20Study%202019-2023%20Final.pdf?ver=uGHF46u1GSeZgYXMKFyYvw%3d%3d (accessed 6/16/24).
  7. G Grossi. Dr David Eagle: CMS Reimbursement Cuts Encourage Trend of Independent Physician Exodus. American Journal of Managed Care. Feb 12, 2024. Available at: https://www.ajmc.com/view/dr-david-eagle-cms-reimbursement-cuts-encourage-trend-of-independent-physician-exodus (accessed 6/16/24).
Cite as: Robbins RA. A Call for Change in Healthcare Governance. Southwest J Pulm Crit Care Sleep. 2024;28(6):91-93. doi: https://doi.org/10.13175/swjpccs028-24 PDF
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Rick Robbins, M.D. Rick Robbins, M.D.

Time for a Change in Hospital Governance

The SWJPCCS has been following the case of nine oncologists who filed a lawsuit against the Anne Arundel Medical Center (AAMC), in Annapolis, Maryland, last year (1). The oncologists claimed that the hospital chose profit over the needs of cancer patients, as it slashed oncology care services to cut costs, and both fired and denied them hospital privileges when they complained. At that time, the oncologists were not free to respond because of the ongoing litigation, but now that the lawsuit is over and the dust has settled, they are free to speak, and they contacted Medscape Medical News to tell their side of the story (2).

AAMC is a private, not-for-profit corporation that operates a large acute care hospital in Annapolis, Maryland. It is affiliated with Luminis Health, the parent company of the medical center. Until October 23, 2020, the nine oncologists were employed by the Anne Arundel Physician Group. The oncologists had privileges at AAMC for many years and their “capability as physicians is unquestioned,” according to the court filing made on behalf of the oncologists." AAMC created “a very toxic and difficult interpersonal work environment, and that made it difficult to do patient care," said Carol Tweed MD, who served as the unofficial spokesman for the group. "We would go to them and let them know that we were having difficulty delivering optimal patient care because we didn't have enough staff or the resources we needed for safety — and it got to the point where we were being ignored and our input was no longer welcome." There was a continuing cascade of events, and the oncology group mulled over some ideas as to how to provide optimal patient care. The decision they reached was to discuss running their own practice. Within a week of sending their proposal for setting up their own practice, all nine physicians were fired. “Instead of arranging a discussion, we received termination letters,” "We were terminated without cause.”

The oncologists’ case illustrates several problems with hospital ownership of physician practices. First, the oncologists had signed a contract with a noncompete clause. “The only thing we wanted was to be able to practice in this town,” said Tweed. “And what is important to know is that it was never for money, and that was never our motivation for wanting to form our own practice.” The second problem is that AAMC removed the oncologists hospital privileges. Removal of hospital privileges carries a special stigma making it difficult to apply for hospital privileges at other hospitals.

It disturbs me that physicians or physician executives would want to practice and patients would want care from a system where quality of care was alleged to be an issue. That aside, it is clear that the hospital used its position as the credentialing agent to limit competition and solicit patients. "This isn't ethical, but they tried to do everything to keep us from seeing our patients," Tweed said. This is patient choice, but they were telling patients they could not choose us as your doctors.

Below are several solutions which could potentially improve the credentialing process and allow the oncologists and other physicians to practice high quality medicine.


  1. Physician candidates should have their contract negotiated by a lawyer or agent experienced in the appropriate areas of labor law. Candidates should not sign a contract with a noncompete clause. Even though such a clause is unlikely to hold up in court, the process of fighting a large healthcare organization is expensive and medical centers have deeper pockets. The hospital administration is not necessarily a physician ally. Even if the administration is easy to work with at present, hospital administrations change and the next administration might be more concerned with profit than quality of care.
  2. Credentialing should be a function of an independent medical staff overseen by an elected chief of staff. Mitchell Schwartz, MD was chief medical officer at AAMC until January 2020 and succeeded by Stephen Selinger MD in May 2021. It is unclear what role Dr. Swartz or Selinger played in this dispute. Physician candidates should be wary if the chief of staff seems to represent the hospital administration to the physicians rather than the hospital staff to the administration. Potential physician candidates should request meetings with the chief of staff to assess for themselves their sincerity in working with the medical staff.
  3. An independent hospital staff could vote to require administrators to be credentialed. An administrator’s credentials could be removed by a majority physician vote if there is extensive evidence that business decisions jeopardize patient safety. It seems likely that administrators would be less likely to use credentialing as a weapon when credentialing is counterbalanced in this fashion.
  4. Physicians witnessing suboptimal patient care in the face of a nonresponsive hospital administration, could use their power as physicians to advise their patients to seek care elsewhere. I personally have seen such a nuclear option lead to hospital closure if sufficient physicians believe the hospital care is inadequate.
  5. Healthcare credentialing agencies could become more responsive to physician complaints. This could avoid confusing evaluations such as the Phoenix VA being named to the Joint Commission of Healthcare Organization’s "Top Performer" honor in 2011 but 3 years later being accused of suboptimal care (4).  JCAHO inspections usually are conducted by a retired hospital administrator, physician and nurse. They usually review policies and procedures but rarely meet with physicians, nurses, technicians or clerks directly involved in patient care.
  6. State Board of Medical Examiners should concern themselves with quality of care rather than disruptive physicians. In some cases, disruptive physicians advocating for better care are likely justified (4).
  7. Insurers, including the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, could remove the incentive for hospitals to own practices by limiting payments to centers with hospital-employed physicians. These centers have charges that average about 5.8 percent higher than those that do not employ their physicians (5).

These are just a few ideas many of which will be difficult to establish. Regardless, it is time to discard the notion that physicians are just waiting to collude and fix prices but to recognize that hospital administrators have self-granted themselves too much power leading to increased charges and poorer patient care. The time for change in hospital governance is now!

Richard A. Robbins, MD




  1. Nelson R. Nine Oncologists Sue Medical Center Over Termination. Medscape Medical News. March 23, 2021. Available at: https://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/947976 (accessed 3/14/21).
  2. Nelson R. Free Now to Speak, Nine Oncologists Spill the Beans Over Firing. March 11, 2022. Available at: https://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/970124?sso=true&impID=4083165&uac=9273DT&src=wnl_tp10n_220312_mscpmrk_eom#vp_1 (accessed 3/14/22).
  3. 22 Ill.194 Ariz. 363, 982 P.2d 1277, 15 IER Cases 419 (1999)
  4. Robbins RA. The disruptive administrator: tread with care. Southwest J Pulm Crit Care. 2016:13(2):71-9. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.13175/swjpcc049-16
  5. Ho V, Metcalfe L, Vu L, Short M, Morrow R. Annual Spending per Patient and Quality in Hospital-Owned Versus Physician-Owned Organizations: an Observational Study. J Gen Intern Med. 2020 Mar;35(3):649-655. [CrossRef] [PubMed]


Cite as: Robbins RA. Time for a Change in Hospital Governance. Southwest J Pulm Crit Care Sleep 2022;24(3):43-5. doi: https://doi.org/10.13175/swjpcc013-22 PDF 

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