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Correct Scoring of Hypopneas in Obstructive Sleep Apnea Reduces Cardiovascular Morbidity
James M. Parish, MD1
David Baratz, MD2
1Mayo Clinic Arizona; Phoenix, AZ USA
2Pulmonary Associates, Phoenix, AZ USA
Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) is a life-altering disease with a prevalence of 10% in men and 9% in women (1). In some groups (severe obesity, BMI > 40 kg/m2) the prevalence may be as high as 40% (2). One of the most controversial areas in the field of sleep medicine for many years has been the definition of the syndrome. Investigators who first identified OSA created the apnea index (AI), the number of apnea events per hour. An apnea was defined as a complete cessation of airflow for at least 10 seconds. When continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) treatment for OSA was first introduced, a definition that third-party payors, such as the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), could use to determine which patients qualified for treatment was needed. The definition at that time was 30 apnea events during a 6-hour recording, which corresponded to an AI of 5 events per hour. As further information developed about the syndrome of OSA, the presence of the hypopnea was recognized. A hypopnea was an event that was not a complete cessation of airflow, but rather was a reduction in airflow associated with either a reduction of oxygen saturation and/or an arousal from sleep. Hypopneas were found to have the same clinical significance as apneas. However, controversy surrounded the exact definition of hypopnea. What percentage reduction in airflow? What degree of desaturation, 3%, 4%, other? (3) And what was the exact definition of arousal? Additionally, at this time, CMS would not recognize the use of hypopneas in the definition of OSA for the purpose of qualifying patients for the use of CPAP and a result, many patients with predominantly hypopneas did not meet the qualifications for CPAP.
Subsequently, an agreement between the sleep community and CMS was reached utilizing the definition of hypopnea of a reduction of airflow to 30% of baseline and a 4% oxygen desaturation (4). This definition was based on findings from the Sleep Heart Health Study demonstrating significant cardiovascular effects in patients with obstructive sleep apnea/hypopnea syndrome utilizing this definition. The association of hypopnea with arousal was left out of this definition at this time because there was poor reproducibility in scoring. While the benefit of this agreement was the inclusion of hypopneas which allowed more patients to qualify for PAP therapy, there was a large group of individuals with hypopneas with 3% desaturation and/or an arousal who did not meet the criteria for therapy.
In 2012 the American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM) recommended that the hypopnea definition include any decrease in airflow by at least 30% from the baseline with an oxygen desaturation of at least 3% or an arousal from sleep (5,6). This definition often forced many sleep laboratories to score studies twice, once using the 3% rule and the other using the 4% rule. The 3%-4% controversy has continued for many years.
Since then CMS and other payors has not adopted the recommendation of the AASM primarily because of lack of evidence that a 3% decrease is associated with cardiovascular disease and relied on a more restrictive definition of OSA fewer patients with OSA (as defined by the AASM) have been able to obtain life changing therapy such as CPAP. In the view of many, this has increased the risk of developing cardiovascular disease.
In this issue of SWJPCC an article by Quan et al., “The Association Between Obstructive Sleep Apnea Defined by 3 Percent Oxygen Desaturation or Arousal Definition and Self-Reported Cardiovascular Disease in the Sleep Heart Health Study” demonstrates that employing a definition of hypopnea utilizing a 3% reduction in the oxygen desaturation results in an equivalent incidence of cardiovascular disease (CVD) or coronary heart disease (CHD) as the more restrictive 4% definition (7). The shows that in patients followed in the Sleep Heart Health Study (SHHS) that 6307 participants developed CVD/CHD at equal rates based on odds ratios and 95% confidence intervals. The SHHS was a prospective multicenter cohort study designed to investigate the relationship between OSA and CVD (8). 6441 subjects 40 years and older were recruited in 1995 to undergo polysomnography, having demographic information taken and then self-report if they were ever told by a doctor that they had angina, heart attack, heart failure, stroke or undergone coronary bypass surgery or coronary angioplasty. CHD or CVD was defined as a positive response to one or more of these conditions or procedures. In addition, the presence of hypertension, diabetes, depression, insomnia and hypersomnia in these subjects was assessed.
In this current analysis of the SHHS 3326 participants were found not to have OSA by the 4% CMS rule. Using the 3% AASM definition of hypopnea, 2247 of the 3326 participants were found to have OSA. Participants that were not diagnosed by the 4% rule had OSA ranging in the mild to severe categories. This study suggests that the regulatory requirement by the CMS of using a 4% decrease in oxygen desaturation denies a substantial number of patients the opportunity for treatment of their OSA and may worsen cardiovascular disease or coronary heart disease.
This paper is the first to assess the association of the 3% criteria in the risk of developing CVD/CHD in patients with OSA. The importance of this paper cannot be underestimated. There are no other studies that have been done or are being done that investigate the risk between OSA or cardiovascular disease using polysomnographic measurements. By utilizing the 3% rule in clinical practice a much larger number of patients would meet the diagnostic criteria of OSA and be eligible to receive treatment.
Treatment of OSA with CPAP has been shown to reduce the severity of CVD, CHD, diabetes, motor vehicle accidents. It also improves daytime alertness, concentration, emotional stability, reduces snoring, and reduces medical expenses (9-11).
The current study provides the necessary information to help resolve the ongoing controversy. The studies data is very robust, using the well-known Sleep Heart Health study. A limitation of the study is that it relies on self-reported history of cardiovascular disease, which is subject to recall bias, but the data is otherwise very strong and robust. Also, some of the correlations are less statistically significant when adjusted for other co-variates.
This study provides proof that a large number of patients with symptomatic and dangerous OSA have been undertreated. It calls for a change in the policy by the CMS and all other payors to provide therapy for patients with OSA based on the American Academy of Sleep Medicine criteria using a 3% reduction in oxygen saturation to score hypopneas.
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Cite as: Parish JM, Baratz D. Correct Scoring of Hypopneas in Obstructive Sleep Apnea Reduces Cardiovascular Morbidity. Southwest J Pulm Crit Care. 2020;21(4):104-7. doi: https://doi.org/10.13175/swjpcc059-20 PDF
Screening for Obstructive Sleep Apnea in the Transportation Industry—The Time is Now
Stuart F. Quan, M.D.
Division of Sleep and Circadian Disorders
Brigham and Women’s Hospital
Division of Sleep Medicine
Harvard Medical School
Boston, MA USA
Asthma and Airway Disease Research Center
University of Arizona College of Medicine,
Tucson, AZ USA
On September 29, 2016, a New Jersey Transit train failed to slow down and stop at the station in Hoboken, New Jersey. The resulting crash injured a number of passengers and killed a young mother who happened to be near the crash site. Subsequently, it was learned that the train engineer who apparently had blacked out was diagnosed as having severe obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) (1). Unfortunately, this was not an isolated incident. Over the past few years, there have been several other well-documented incidents of train, truck and bus crashes resulting from their operators falling asleep from OSA. In 2013, a Metro-North commuter train derailed outside of New York City because of excessive speed approaching a curve, the train engineer reported being “dazed” and was subsequently found to have OSA (2). Four passengers were killed and numerous others were injured. In another well-documented accident in 2013, the driver of a Greyhound bus fell asleep. The bus ran off the road, rolled on its side and injured 35 passengers. The driver had been told to get tested for OSA, but did not have the study done. A subsequent court-ordered polysomnogram showed OSA (3). In another incident in 2009, a truck-tractor semitrailer operator failed to notice slowing and stopped cars in front of him and collided with a passenger vehicle. This led to a series of rear end vehicle collisions resulting in 10 fatalities. The cause of the accident was operator fatigue related in part to OSA (4). These well-publicized incidents are only a few of the sleepiness/fatigue related accidents caused by unrecognized OSA in the transportation industry.
One of the most common symptoms attributed to OSA is daytime sleepiness which can be uncontrollable and unpredictable. Numerous studies have demonstrated that persons with OSA have an increased rate of motor vehicle accidents with up to a 4.9 fold higher risk (5). Accidents involving only a single vehicle are particularly frequent suggesting that the crashes are caused by the operators having fallen asleep. Truck drivers are at even greater risk, most likely because they are disproportionately male, middle aged and overweight, all of which are risk factors for OSA. Over a ten year span from 2004 to 2013, it has been estimated that 3,133 to 8,952 deaths and 77,000 and 220,000 serious injuries have resulted from sleepy operators of commercial motor vehicles, many of whom most likely had undiagnosed and untreated OSA (6).
Given the severe consequences of unrecognized OSA on public safety and the high prevalence of unrecognized OSA among operators of trains, buses and commercial trucks, the imperative to screen and treat these persons for OSA is high. The advisory boards to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) have recommended that commercial truck drivers be screened for OSA if their body mass index is > 40 kg/m2, or >33 kg/m2 and have 3 or more conditions or findings associated with OSA, but adoption of these recommendations has not occurred (7). More recently, the Department of Transportation, Federal Railroad Administration and the FMCSA have taken the first steps to mandate screening and treatment of rail and commercial motor vehicle operators for OSA by soliciting public comment (8). Airline pilots are already screened. However, there is substantial opposition from the trucking industry and drivers themselves, the latter because of potential job loss. However, such a screening program in one large trucking company has demonstrated a 5 fold reduction in accident rates in drivers who were adherent to CPAP treatment for OSA (5).
With the development of relatively simple to use ambulatory devices that can identify most persons with OSA, screening for OSA can be done easily and cost-effectively. In the vast majority of cases, referral to a sleep lab is not necessary. Persons diagnosed with OSA can be treated with several different modalities and are able to return to work. Employers may actually experience a reduction in their costs related to fewer accidents and improved employee health. Thus, there is no reason to delay requiring OSA screening programs for all persons working in occupations where public safety is at risk. For regulators, policy makers, and the various industries affected, the time is now. Failure to act places the responsibilities for the ensuing economic costs, injuries and deaths on your shoulders.
- Marsh R, Shortell D. NJ. Train Engineer in Crash had Undiagnosed Sleep Apnea. CNN. October 17, 2016. Available at: http://www.cnn.com/2016/11/17/us/njt-engineer-sleep-apnea/ (accessed 12/2/16).
- National Transportation Safety Board. Metro-North Railroad Derailment. October 24, 2014. Available at: http://www.ntsb.gov/investigations/accidentreports/pages/RAB1412.aspx (accessed 12/2/16).
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- Miller E. FMCSA Medical Review Board Issues Sleep Apnea Guidelines. Transport Topics. August 24, 2016. Available at: http://www.ttnews.com/articles/basetemplate.aspx?storyid=42963&page=1 (accessed 12/2/16).
- Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration. U.S. DOT Seeks Input on Screening and Treating Commercial Motor Vehicle Drivers and Rail Workers with Obstructive Sleep Apnea. March 8, 2016. Available at: https://www.fmcsa.dot.gov/newsroom/us-dot-seeks-input-screening-and-treating-commercial-motor-vehicle-drivers-and-rail-workers (accessed 12/2/16).
Cite as: Quan SF. Screening for obstructive sleep apnea in the transportation industry—the time is now. Southwest J Pulm Crit Care. 2016;13(6):285-7. doi: https://doi.org/10.13175/swjpcc132-16 PDF