SWJPCC: The first three months
Reference as: Robbins RA. SWJPCC: The first three months. Southwest J Pulm Crit Care 2011;2:1-2. (click here for PDF)
During the Arizona Thoracic Society meeting on 1-18-11 a report was given to our sponsoring organization regarding the progress of the SWJPCC. Below is a synopsis of the report along with a link to a PowerPoint slide presentation at the end.
Planning for the journal began in August, 2010 with discussions at the Arizona Thoracic Society. Several decisions were made at that meeting: 1. To proceed with the creation of an on-line journal; 2. To adopt the name Southwest Journal of Pulmonary and Critical Care; 3. To emphasize clinical medicine; 4. To peer review all manuscripts; and 5. To accept no sponsorship from organizations with a potential conflicts of interest such as hospitals, pharmaceuticals companies, etc. unless it was clear that such sponsorship was unrestricted. During September and October, 2010 a web site manager was hired, Eric Reece from Bethesda, MD; the domain registered; a website created; and editorial board established. The first posting was an editorial on October 16th, 2010 and our first manuscript was submitted on November 7th, 2010. This manuscript was peer reviewed, revised, and posted on November 11th 2010. During 2010 we posted 8 articles: 2 in Imaging; one in Proceedings of the Arizona Thoracic Society; one Pulmonary Journal Club; two Critical Care Journal Clubs; one Sleep Journal Club; and one Editorial. At the suggestion of Stuart Quan, a member of the editorial board, volumes and page numbers were assigned to each publication for ease of reference and the reference is given under the title of each posting.
As of 1-24-11 we have had 1043 page views for an average of 35/day. One hundred and forty-three unique visitors have visited the site for an average of 4 unique visitors/day. Hopefully, this will continue to grow.
A special thanks to our authors and reviewers, the latter are listed below. Without their help SWJPCC could not function: Mike Gotway, Manny Mathew, Vijay Nair, Allen Thomas, and Lew Wesselius.
For the future, we are planning a short synopsis of each Arizona Thoracic Society meeting which can be found in a new section titled "Arizona Thoracic Society Notes" under "Proceedings of the Arizona Thoracic Society" on the left hand portion of the home page. We hope to soon post material authored outside the Phoenix area and to proceed with full-length manuscript publications under the Pulmonary, Critical Care and Sleep headings at the top of the home page.
Richard A. Robbins, M.D. , Editor, SWJPCC