Critical Care
The Southwest Journal of Pulmonary and Critical Care publishes articles directed to those who treat patients in the ICU, CCU and SICU including chest physicians, surgeons, pediatricians, pharmacists/pharmacologists, anesthesiologists, critical care nurses, and other healthcare professionals. Manuscripts may be either basic or clinical original investigations or review articles. Potential authors of review articles are encouraged to contact the editors before submission, however, unsolicited review articles will be considered.
July 2019 Critical Care Case of The Month: An 18-Year-Old with Presumed Sepsis and Progressive Multisystem Organ Failure
Robert A. Raschke, MD
The University of Arizona College of Medicine – Phoenix
Phoenix, AZ USA
History of Present Illness
An 18-year-old female student from Flagstaff was transferred to our hospital for refractory sepsis. She had presented with a 2 week history of fever, malaise, sore throat, myalgias, arthralgias and a rash.
PMH, SH and FH
She reported no significant past medical history or family history. She attended cosmetology school, denied smoking or drug abuse and was sexually monogamous. She had only traveled in-state, did not hike or camp and her only animal exposure was playing with her two pet Great Danes.
Physical Examination
The patient had a fever of 38.5°C. on original presentation. HEENT exam was reported as unrevealing. Lungs were clear. There were no heart murmurs and the abdominal exam was unremarkable. No joint effusions were apparent. A rash was mentioned, but not described and it apparently disappeared shortly after admission.
Initial laboratory testing was significant for WBCC of 12.1 K/mm3, creatinine of 1.5 mg/dL and AST of 45 IU/L. A rapid influenza screen, urinalysis and chest radiography were unrevealing. Blood cultures were drawn and intravenous fluids, piperacillin/tazobactam and azithromycin were administered. Over the next four days, the fever persisted and the blood cultures resulted in no growth. Serial laboratory values demonstrated progressive worsening in renal function and increasing hepatic enzymes. The patient became dyspneic and developed rales and progressive hypoxia prompting transfer.
On arrival in our ICU, the patient was alert, in mild respiratory distress and hypotensive to 78/43 mmHg, requiring immediate initiation of intravenous norepinephrine. She reported nausea and severe diffuse myalgia and arthralgia. On examination, she was ill-appearing with blood pressure 101/58 (on norepinephrine at 25 mcg/min), heart rate 104 beats/min, respiratory rate 33 breaths/min, temperature 38.8°C. She had mild oropharyngeal erythema, some shotty cervical lymph nodes, bilateral rales, mild epigastric and right upper quadrant tenderness, and a macular erythematous rash approximately 14 x 29 cm on her left forearm that disappeared within several hours.
Her ICU admission chest x-ray is shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1. Admission ICU portable chest X-ray showing bilateral areas of consolidation.
Her laboratory evaluation showed the following:
- WBCC: 2,500/mm3 63% segs with toxic granulation/vacuolated segs
- Hemoglobin/Hematocrit: 7.9 g/dL/26.7%
- Platelets: 50,000/mm3
- BUN/creatinine: 23/1.25 mg/dL
- AST/ALT: 246/189 IU/L (normal 10-40 and 7-56)
- PT: 20.9 sec
- Lactate: 4.5 mmol/L
- Urinalysis: bland sediment, without bacteria or leukocytes
- ABG: 7.33, pCO2 34, pO2 78 (on 45% FiO2 by ventimask)
- Transthoracic echocardiogram showed normal LV and RV size and systolic function with no vegetations
- US abdomen showed hepatosplenomegaly, retroperitoneal lymphadenopathy, and normal kidneys and ureters.
What are diagnostic considerations at this time? (Click on the correct answer to be directed to the second of six pages)
- Rocky mountain spotted fever (RMSF)
- Acute retroviral syndrome
- Still’s disease
- Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE)
- All of the above
Cite as: Raschke RA. July 2019 critical care case of the month: an 18-year-old with presumed sepsis and progressive multisystem organ failure. Southwest J Pulm Crit Care. 2019;19(1):1-9. doi: PDF