Critical Care
The Southwest Journal of Pulmonary and Critical Care publishes articles directed to those who treat patients in the ICU, CCU and SICU including chest physicians, surgeons, pediatricians, pharmacists/pharmacologists, anesthesiologists, critical care nurses, and other healthcare professionals. Manuscripts may be either basic or clinical original investigations or review articles. Potential authors of review articles are encouraged to contact the editors before submission, however, unsolicited review articles will be considered.
Severe Accidental Hypothermia in Phoenix? Active Rewarming Using Thoracic Lavage
Michael Mozer BS1
Guy Raz, MD2
Ryan Wyatt, MD2
Alexander Toledo, DO, PharmD2
1University of New England College of Osteopathic Medicine
Biddeford, ME USA
2Department of Emergency Medicine
Maricopa Medical Center, Phoenix, AZ USA
Hypothermia can progress quickly and become life threatening if left untreated. Rewarming in the severely hypothermic patient is of critical importance and is achieved with active and passive techniques. Here we present a case of a hypothermic patient with cardiac instability for whom thoracic lavage was ultimately used. We will review the treatment of hypothermia and discuss the technical aspects our approach.
Case Presentation
A 53 year-old male with a past medical history of substance abuse, chronic hepatitis C, and poorly controlled type 2 diabetes mellitus complicated by a recent hospitalization for osteomyelitis was brought to the emergency department after being found lying on a road in a shallow pool of water in the early morning hours of a rainy day in Phoenix, Arizona. The ambient temperature that night was 39 °F (3.9 °C). Emergency Medical Services (EMS) noted a decreased level of consciousness and obtained a finger stick glucose of 15 mg/dl. EMS reported a tympanic membrane temperature of 23.9 °C. En route, the patient was administered 2mg naloxone and 25g dextrose intravenously with no improvement in his mental status. On Emergency Department (ED) arrival, the patient had a GCS of 8 (Eyes 4, Verbal 1, Motor 3) and exhibited intermittent posturing. His foot wound appeared clean and without signs of infection. The initial core temperature recorded was 25.9°C via bladder thermometer, systolic blood pressure was 92/50, and heart rate fluctuated between 50 and 90 beats per minute.
After removing wet clothing, initiation of warmed saline, and placing a forced warm air blanket on the patient, he was intubated for airway protection and vasopressors were initiated. Osborn waves were evident on the initial EKG (Figure 1).
Figure 1. Initial EKG with Osborn Waves (arrows).
A warmed ventilator circuit was initiated with only 0.5 °C increase in temperature in first 30 minutes. Despite these measures, he remained hypotensive and unstable. Significant laboratory findings were a white blood cell count of 25.5 thousand (92% neutrophils), lactic acid of 7.6, potassium of 5.8, serum creatinine of 1.05, glucose of 283, INR of 1.1, and urine drug screen positive for cocaine. Given his recalcitrance to norepinephrine and risk of death secondary to fatal dysrhythmia with temperatures below 28 °C intrathoracic lavage initiated.
The right hemithorax was selected for irrigation because left-sided tube placement can induce ventricular fibrillation in a perfusing patient (1). Using standard sterile technique, two 36 French thoracostomy tubes were placed; the first in the second intercostal space along the mid-clavicular line, and the second in the 5th intercostal space in the posterior axillary line (1-3). The tips of the thoracostomy tubes were oriented such that the anterior-superior tube was positioned near the right apex and the lateral-inferior tip was positioned low in the thoracic cavity (1,3). To maintain the temperature of the instilled fluid, a fluid warmer system (Level 1; Smiths Medical; Minneapolis, MN) was used and set to 41 °C. A Christmas tree adapter was used to connect the IV tubing to the superior thoracostomy tube, and a water seal chamber was attached to the inferior tube for passive drainage (3). Flow through the system was targeted to maintain steady passive drainage as described in the literature (1-6).
Thoracic cavity lavage with 41 °C saline was performed and the patient was transferred to the medical ICU after 3 hours in the ED. When he was transferred his core temperature was 29 °C and he remained on norepinephrine for hemodynamic instability. After 2 hours of continued rewarming in the MICU, his core temperature was 32 °C. Osborn waves evident on initial EKG were resolved (Figure 2).
Figure 2. Repeat EKG showing resolution of Osborn waves.
The patient left against medical advice from the hospital 4 days later neurologically intact and without sequela.
Hypothermia can be clinically classified as mild, moderate or severe (7). Mild hypothermia, defined as core temperatures of 32-35 °C, presents with shivering. Amnesia, dysarthria, ataxia, tachycardia, and tachypnea can also be seen (1). Moderate hypothermia, defined as core temperatures of 28-32 °C, usually can present with or without shivering. Stupor, hypoventilation, paradoxical undressing and non-fatal arrhythmias such as atrial fibrillation and junctional bradycardia may also be seen (1). Patients with severe hypothermia, generally defined as temperatures below 28 °C, can present with coma, areflexia, pulmonary edema, bradycardia, and hypotension (1). There is a significant risk of fatal cardiac dysrhythmias without rapid therapeutic rewarming (1,7,8).
Rewarming in the hypothermic patient is of critical importance and is achieved with passive and/or active techniques. Attempts to limit heat loss are often unsuccessful, especially in the absence of a normal shiver response. It however remains as the first line treatment for hypothermia (8-10). Passive rewarming is attempted by the removal of cold/wet clothing and keeping the patient covered (8-10). Active external rewarming (AER) is the next line of treatment and consist of the use of externally rewarming devices such as warmed blankets, warm environment, forced air warming (Bair Hugger; 3M; Maplewood, MN) or warm hot water bladders placed in the groin and axilla (1,7-10). Active Internal Rewarming (AIR) techniques can be used to achieve more rapid increases in core temperature and are primarily utilized in cases of cardiac instability or if AER is unsuccessful (8). When available, the method of choice for active internal rewarming (AIR) is cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) or extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) as they can achieve the fastest increase in core temperature (9 °C/hr and 6 °C/hr respectively) and provide cardiovascular support (1,8,11,12). Several techniques are described in the literature that can be considered if CPB or ECMO are unavailable. These include esophageal warming devices, endovascular catheters, hemodialysis, and endocavitary lavage (1,2,4-6,13-15). While no randomized controlled trials exist, several case reports and reviews have tried to compare various techniques. These sources to do not seem to favor any particular technique over another but rather reports the rates of temperature rise (1-3,5-7,13-15). Classically, lavage techniques are attempted in the thoracic cavity, the peritoneum, the bladder, the stomach, the esophagus, or the colon. These techniques are generally coupled with warm IV fluids and warming air through the ventilator to limit loss of body heat to iatrogenic procedures during the rewarming attempt (1,7). Thoracic lavage is effective with a reported rewarming rates of 3-6 °C/hr and with excellent outcomes in case reports (1,2,4-6). Here we present a case of a hypothermic patient with cardiac instability where thoracic lavage is used and discuss the technical aspects of this approach.
Our case demonstrates the efficacy of utilizing thoracic cavity lavage for rapid rewarming in patients with severe hypothermia with a pulse and at high risk of fatal cardiac arrhythmia. In multiple case reports, thoracic lavage has been used successfully in hypothermic patients who suffered complete cardiopulmonary collapse requiring CPR (2,4,5). Although warm thoracic lavage is not the treatment of choice in these circumstances, in a facility not equipped with ECMO or CPB and a patient too unstable to transfer, it seemed to us to be the best technique. Gastric, colonic, and bladder lavage offer very minimal heat transfer due to limitations in surface area (2).
Hemodialysis would have required for us to call in a technician and would have required approval by a nephrologist at our institution. Available central venous rewarming catheters require bypass of a failsafe mechanism that does not allow rewarming to be initiated below 30 °C (1). Peritoneal lavage was a plausible choice but does not directly warm the mediastinum (2). While an open mediastinal technique has been used, we did not feel it was appropriate in a patient with a concurrent pulse (1,3). Thoracic lavage is therefore an effective alternative that should be used in cases where CPB and ECMO are unavailable especially in a patient that is hemodynamically unstable and may not survive transfer. The equipment is readily available to any Emergency Medicine or Critical Care physician. In addition, this case exemplifies the positive outcomes that are associated with rapid rewarming in the hypothermic patient with a pulse. We believe our case demonstrates the efficacy of this technique for myocardial protection from hemodynamic collapse, a topic which has not been adequately studied in the literature.
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Cite as: Mozer M, Raz G, Wyatt R, Toledo A. Severe accidental hypothermia in Phoenix? Active rewarming using thoracic lavage. Southwest J Pulm Crit Care. 2019;19(2):79-83. doi: PDF
Left Ventricular Assist Devices: A Brief Overview
Bhargavi Gali MD
Department of Anesthesiology and Perioperative Medicine
Division of Critical Care Medicine
Mayo Clinic Minnesota
Rochester, MN, USA
Second and third generation left ventricular assist devices (LVAD) have been increasingly utilized as both a bridge to transplantation and as destination therapy (in patients who are not considered transplant candidates) for advanced heart failure. Currently approximately 2500 LVADs are implanted yearly, with an estimated one year survival of >80% (1). Almost half of these patients undergo implantation as destination therapy. A recent systematic review and meta-analysis found no difference in one-year mortality between patients undergoing heart transplantation in comparison with patients undergoing LVAD placement (2).
Early LVADs were pulsatile pumps, but had multiple limitations including duration of device function, and requirement for a large external lead that increased risk of infection. Currently utilized second and third generation devices are continuous flow (first generation were pulsatile flow). Second generation devices have axial pumps (HeartMate II®). The third generation LVADs ((HeartMate III®), HVAD®) are also continuous flow, with centrifugal pumps, which are thought to decrease possibility of thrombus formation and increase pump duration in comparison to the second generation axial pumps. It is also felt that a lack of mechanical bearings contributes to this effect.
LVADs support circulation by either replacing or supplementing cardiac output. Blood is drained from the left ventricle with inflow cannula in the left ventricular apex to the pump, and blood is returned to the ascending aorta via the outflow cannula (3) (Figure 1).
Figure 1. Third generation Left Ventricular Assist Device. Heartware System ™. Continuous flow left ventricular assist device (LVAD) configuration. One of the third generation LVADs is the HeartWare System. With this device the inflow cannula is integrated into the pump. The pump is attached to the heart in the pericardial space, with the outflow cannula in the aorta. A driveline connects the device to the control unit. This control unit is attached to the two batteries. (Figure used with permission from Medtronic).
The device assists the left ventricle by the action of the axial (second generation) or centrifugal (third generation) pump that rotates at a very high speed and ejects the blood into the aorta via the outflow cannula. A tunneled driveline connects the pump to the external controller that operates the pump function. The controller connects to the power source via two cables, which can be battery or module-powered.
LVADs offload volume from the left ventricle, and decrease left ventricular work. Pulmonary pressures and the trans pulmonary gradients are also decreased by the reduced volume in the left ventricle (4). End organ perfusion is improved secondary to enhanced arterial blood pressure and micro perfusion.
There are four main parameters of pump function:
- Pump speed: the speed at which the LVAD rotors spin, and is programmed. Measured in RPM.
- Pump power: the wattage needed to maintain speed and flow, which is the energy needed to run the pump. Measured in Watts.
- Pump flow: estimate of the cardiac output, which is the blood returned to the ascending aorta, and is based on pump speed and power. Measure in L/min
- Pulsatility index (PI): a calculated value that indicates assistance the pump provides, in relation to intrinsic left ventricular A higher number indicates higher left ventricular contribution to pulsatile flow.
The cardiac output of currently utilized LVADs is directly related to pump speed and inversely related to the pressure gradient across the pump. As the pump speed is fixed, right ventricular failure can decrease the volume of blood transmitted to the pump and decrease LVAD flow (3, 4). With right ventricular failure, inotropic support may be needed to improve the LVAD pump flow. High afterload, such as may be seen with an increase in systemic vascular resistance can decrease pump flow.
Adverse events occur in more than 70% of LVAD patients in the first year (5). These complications include infections, bleeding, stroke, and LVAD thrombosis. More than 50% of patients are readmitted within the first 6 months after LVAD implantation (6).
Driveline infections are the most commonly reported LVAD infection, and are the most likely to respond to treatment (7). Pump pocket infections may require debridement plus/minus antibiotic bead placement. Bloodstream infections are less commonly reported, and more difficult to treat, and many patients are placed on chronic suppressive antibiotic therapy (7). There is a possible association between stroke and bloodstream infection, reported in some studies. Patients who were younger and had a higher body mass index were noted to have a higher incidence of LVAD infections.
Gastrointestinal bleeding is a major cause of nonsurgical bleeding, reported in almost 30% of patients after LVAD placement (1). Patients may develop acquired von Willebrand factor deficiency secondary to high shear forces in the LVAD that lead to breakdown of von Willebrand protein (6). Antithrombotic therapy is commonly instituted after LVAD implantation which also increases risk of bleeding. A high incidence of arteriovenous malformations is reported in these patients, although the etiology is not clear. Transfusion, holding antithrombotic therapy, and identifying possible sources are included in the standard approach to management.
There is a high risk of both ischemic and hemorrhagic strokes in the first year after LVAD placement (8). Surgical closure of the aortic valve and off-axis positioning of the cannulas have been suggested as altering shear forces, increasing thrombotic risk, and thus risk of stroke. Post-surgical risks may include pump thrombosis, infections, supratherapeutic INR, and poorly controlled hypertension. Early diagnosis has led to consideration of interventions such as thrombectomy (8).
LVAD thrombosis can occur on either cannula (inflow or outflow) or the pump. Typically patients receive ongoing anticoagulation, commonly with warfarin, and antiplatelet agents, and often aspirin. Heartmate II® may have higher rate of thrombosis than HVAD or Heart Mate 3, although this is under debate (6). Thrombotic complications range in severity from asymptomatic increase in lactate dehydrogenase or plasma-free hemoglobin, to triggering of LVAD alarms, up to development of heart failure. The inflow and outflow cannulas and pump can be the site of thrombosis. Management typically involves revising the antithrombotic management. If there is no improvement or worsening, replacement of LVAD may be indicated. There is limited evidence to suggest that systemic thrombolysis may be of benefit in treating pump thrombosis, particularly in regards to the HVAD, though better data would be useful
Procedural Management
When a patient with an LVAD requires non cardiac surgery, optimal management includes having an on-site VAD technician, and close involvement of VAD cardiology and cardiac surgery in consultation. Anticoagulation will often be transitioned to heparin infusion prior to elective procedures (9). Suction events (LV wall is sucked into the inflow cannula) can occur secondary to under filled left heart, and this can become more apparent perioperatively. This can also decrease right heart contractility by moving the interventricular septum to the left, and thus decrease cardiac output. Management often involves fluid bolus. Suction events can lead to decreased flow, left ventricular damage, and ventricular arrhythmias. Hemodynamic management can be challenging with non-pulsatile flow, and placement of an arterial line can facilitate optimal management. Postoperative care in a monitored setting is beneficial in case of further volume related events and to watch for bleeding.
Emergent Complications
Arrhythmias occur in many patients after LVAD implantation. Atrial arrhythmias are reported in up to half of LVAD patients, and ventricular arrhythmias in 22-59% (10, 11). Loss of AV synchrony can lead to decreased LV filling and subsequent RV failure. Rhythm or rate control with rapid atrial arrhythmias is necessary to decrease development of heart failure. Ventricular arrhythmias may be hemodynamically tolerated for some time secondary to the LVAD support (6). If there is concern that the inflow cannula is touching the LV septum, as may occur with severe hypovolemia, echocardiography can help determine if volume resuscitation should be the initial step in treating ventricular arrhythmia.
If cardiac arrest occurs, the first step of cardiopulmonary resuscitation in patients with LVAD is assessment of appropriate perfusion via physical examination (12). If perfusion is poor or absent, assessment of LVAD function should take place. If the LVAD is not functioning appropriately, checking for connections and power is the next step. If unable to confirm function or restart LVAD, chest compressions are indicated by most recent guidelines from the American Heart Association. There is always concern of dislodgement of LVAD cannula or bleeding during these situations.
Currently implanted LVADS are continuous flow, and provide support via a parallel path from the left ventricle to the aorta. As the number of patients with LVADs increase all medical providers should have a basic understanding of the function and common complications associated with these devices. This will enhance the ability to initiate appropriate care.
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Cite as: Gali B. Left ventricular assist devices: a brief overview. Southwest J Pulm Crit Care. 2019;19(2):68-72. doi: PDF