
Southwest Journal of Pulmonary & Critical Care publishes correspondence, radiographic images, pathology images, case reports, reviews, and original articles relevant to the current practice of pulmonary, critical care and sleep medicine. Authors must submit all manuscripts electronically to (preferred),, or via the SWJPCC website.  To submit a manuscript, please prepare it according to the guidelines for manuscript preparation below:


  • Word count appropriate to the section (see Manuscript Guidelines)
  • All patient data removed from text and figures (HIPAA compliant)

Title Page

  • Title
  • Author names and degrees (check with coauthors to ensure that spelling is correct)
  • Institutions and e-mail addresses of all authors (check with coauthors to ensure information is correct)
  • Corresponding author identified
  • Conflict of interests declared for all authors


  • Word count at or below limit (see below)
  • For Original Research (only) structured with “Background, Methods, Results, and Conclusions”
  • For randomized controlled trials (RCTs), study must be registered and registry name and number provided as last final paragraph in the Abstract
  • IRB committee name and project approval number provided in Methods section (needed for all study centers; if a large multi-center study can be provided as online only material)


  • Role of authors (needed for Original Research only; at least one author must be named who states that they had full access to the data and will vouch for the integrity of the data analysis)
  • Funding sources
  • Consent from patient if possibility that identity can be determined (e.g., figure)
  • Identify any editorial assistance provided


  • Each figure in text or provided in a separate file
  • Acceptable file formats used .jpg (preferred), .tiff, and .ppt)
  • Be sure that a caption is provided with each figure
  • Remove any information that can identify a patient

Supporting Documents

  • Permissions obtained and provided for any copyrighted material used.
  • Patient consent forms provided if there is a possibility that an individual can be identified.
  • Permissions obtained for use of copyrighted questionnaires.
  • Provide copies of manuscripts/papers that may overlap with current submission for evaluation.

Word Count and Reference Limits

Table 1. Current unsolicited sections of Southwest Journal of Pulmonary & Critical Care and maximum length requirements. (As of August 2013)

Still have questions? E-mail (preferred), or contact the editor via the SWJPCC website.

PDF of Checklist