Effect of Antiplatelet Therapy on Survival and Organ Support-Free Days in Critically Ill Patients With COVID-19: A Randomized Clinical Trial

REMAP-CAP Writing Committee for the REMAP-CAP Investigators, Bradbury CA, Lawler PR, Stanworth SJ, et al. JAMA. 2022 Mar 22. [CrossRef] [PubMed]

Anticoagulation has been proposed to benefit patients with COVID-19. The authors asked the question, “Does antiplatelet therapy administered to critically ill patients with COVID-19 improve organ support–free days (a composite end point of in-hospital mortality and duration of intensive care unit–based respiratory or cardiovascular support) up to day 21? In this bayesian randomized clinical trial that included 1557 patients, antiplatelet therapy with either aspirin or a P2Y12 inhibitor, compared with no antiplatelet therapy, resulted in a 95.7% posterior probability of futility with regard to the odds of improvement in organ support–free days within 21 days. The authors conclude that among critically ill patients with COVID-19, there was a low likelihood that treatment with an antiplatelet agent provided improvement in organ support–free days within 21 days.


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