The Lancet Commission on Public Policy and Health in the Trump Era
Himmelstein DU, Woolhandler S, Cooney R, McKee M, Horton R.. Lancet. 2018 Sep 22;392(10152):993-995. [CrossRef] [PubMed]
The article is lengthy at 49 pages and has no abstract available. The executive summary runs about 2 pages. The key messages listed in the article are below. Links to the executive summary and the whole article are at the end of this summary.
Key messages
- Politicised and repudiated science, leaving the USA unprepared and exposed to the COVID-19 pandemic
- Eviscerated environmental regulation, hastening global warming
- Incited racial, nativist, and religious hatred, provoking vigilante and police violence
- Denied refuge to migrants fleeing violence and oppression, and abused immigrant detainees
- Undermined health coverage
- Weakened food assistance programmes
- Curtailed reproductive rights
- Undermined global cooperation for health, and triggered trade wars
- Shifted resources from social programmes to military spending and tax windfalls for corporations and the wealthy
- Subverted democracy both nationally and internationally
- Although the Trump administration policies posed a uniquely urgent threat to health,
- damaging neoliberal policies predated and abetted his ascendance:
- Life expectancy in the USA has lagged behind other wealthy nations since 1980 and
- began falling in 2014
- The chronically high mortality of Native Americans started rising in 1999, while
- yawning disparities between Black and white people persisted and progress on racial
- equity in other domains (eg, education, housing, income and policing) halted or
- reversed
- Substance abuse deaths greatly increased
- Income and wealth inequality widened
- Incarceration increased four-fold, initiated by President Nixon’s racially motivated war
- on drugs and compounded by harsh laws enacted under Presidents Reagan and Clinton
- Welfare eligibility restrictions implemented by President Clinton removed benefits from millions
- Deindustrialisation spurred by trade agreements that favoured corporate interests
- over labour protections reduced economic opportunity in many regions of the USA,
- damaging health and increasing receptivity to racist and xenophobic appeals
- Market-based reforms commercialised and bureaucratised medical care, raised costs, and shifted care toward high-income US residents
- Despite the Affordable Care Act, nearly 30 million people in the USA remained
- uninsured and many more were covered but still unable to afford care
- Funding cuts reduced the front-line public health workforce by 20%
- The Biden administration must cancel Trump’s actions and also address the healthdamaging structural problems that were present before Trump’s presidency:
- Raise taxes on high-income people and use the proceeds to bolster social, educational, and health programmes, and address urgent environmental problems
- Mobilise against the structural racism and police violence that shorten the lives of
- people of colour
- Replace means-tested programmes such as Medicaid that segregate low-income
- people, with unified programmes such as national health insurance that serve all
- US residents, aligning the interests of the middle class and the poor in maintaining excellence
- Reclaim the US Government’s role in delivering health and social services, and stop channelling public funds through private firms whose profit-seeking skews priorities
- Redirect public investments from militarism, corporate subsidies, and distorted
- medical priorities to domestic and global fairness, environmental protection,
- and neglected public health and social interventions
- Reinvigorate US democracy by reforming campaign financing, reinforcing voting,
- immigration, and labour rights, and restoring oversight of presidential prerogatives