Arizona Thoracic Society Notes
Council of Chapter Representatives, American Thoracic Society 2011
The Council of Chapter Representatives (CCR) met on Saturday, May 14, at the American Thoracic Society meeting in Denver, CO. Nineteen were in attendance. The meeting was called to order at 10:00 AM by Carolyn Welsh, Chair CCR.
Roll call demonstrated that representatives from Arizona, California, the District of Columbia, Hawaii, Michigan, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, and Washington/Alaska were in attendance.
The ATS President's Address was given by Dean Schraufnagel. He highlighted the Society's accomplishments and positive financial status.
The ATS Executive Director echoed these positives.
Representatives from the ATS Government Relations, Gary Ewart and Nuala Moore, discussed ATS's lobbying activities.
The list of Outstanding Clinician nominees with a brief biography was read by Dr. Welsh. The nominees included:
- George Chaux (California)
- Randall Reves (Colorado)
- Stephen Nathan (Metro DC)
- Dorothy White (deceased, New York)
- Michelle Harkins (New Mexico)
- John Handy-Oregon.
Dr. Harkins was elected as the outstanding clinician.
CCR business discussions included:
- ATS management of chapters
- Councilor term limits
- In person vs. virtual meetings
The CCR voted to request the ATS Board of Directors to suspend the requirements for membership numbers and the term limits for Counselors for 2 years due to the low numbers of members and members willing to serve as Counselors. It was also voted to have 2 meetings per year rather than 1 as this year.
An officer slate was presented by the nominating committee for the upcoming year and accepted by the CCR. Officers will be:
- Dona Upson, Chair (New Mexico)
- Linda Nici, Chair-Elect (Rhode Island)
- Samya Nasr, Secretary/Treaurer (Michigan)
- Carol Welsh, Immediate Past Chair (Colorado)
There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 1:00 PM.
Richard A. Robbins, MD