January 2011 Arizona Thoracic Society Notes

A dinner meeting was held at Scottsdale Shea Medical Center on January 18 from 6:30-8:00 PM. Thirty-six were in attendance including representatives from the pulmonary, chest radiology, thoracic surgery and pulmonary pathology communities. A brief discussion of American Thoracic Society dues occurred. A report was given on the first three months of the Arizona Thoracic Society's official publication, the Southwest Journal of Pulmonary and Critical Care (click here for PowerPoint presentation of the report and see Editorial section for a brief summary). Three cases were presented and discussed: 1. Parsonage-Turner Syndrome; 2. Strongyloidiasis in an immunocompromised host; and 3. An unusual manifestitation of sarcoidosis.

Richard A. Robbins, MD


February 2011 Arizona Thoracic Society Notes